Calling The Demons Forth

Hand-drawn vector illustration with all seeing eye of God on an open palm. Human hand with eye of Providence in the triangle, esoteric symbols, magic runes, alchemical signs and the words Trust no one


“Before an evocation can be performed, the Evocator must have a specific purpose for the summoning, rather than a vague will to power. Once a goal has been established, a suitable demon must be chosen. While demons exist in numbers dwarfing the supposed overpopulation of the earth, and while any of these may be summoned to manifestation, it is best to begin with those that have been evoked on numerous occasions by many different Magicians, and on whom the most information has been collected. Although all that is really needed for demonic evocation is the name of the demon, it would be foolish and often counterproductive to call forth beings who the Sorcerer knows nothing of.

The modern Student of Black Magick is fortunate in that it is no longer necessary to travel by foot across desert and up mountain ranges to the Temples or libraries where the great grimoires are guarded, convince its keeper that he is a worthy disciple, translate the work from a dead tongue into a language that very few are lucky to have learned, and to study the text for years under the tutelage of its keeper in order to use its power and summon the demons therein. While such guarded grimoires do exist today, those are usually released only to the members of the Order of the guardians, and the Initiate will access them all in due time.

Being the cornerstones and the immortality of the Works of Darkness, most of the ancient tomes have been preserved in print, translated into the most commonly used languages, and are now easily come by. Most can be purchased and delivered without the Black Magician ever having to leave his home, if he so chooses. Other more rare texts, in their original printed editions, may be rather costly and difficult to come by, although a majority of these are the guilty pleasures of book collectors and can easily be done without.

Search the text of the classic and modern grimoires thoroughly, reading and rereading the attributes of each demon, gazing at their sigils, and pronouncing their names. Often, through this method, one particular demon may come to life on the page, calling to you, tempting you to evoke him and no other. Yield to the temptation. Take down the demon’s name or highlight it in the grimoire. If no such automatic selection occurs, simply find the demon that is best equipped to accomplish your specific goal.

When you have found a demon with which you will work, you are left with the task of preparing for the ritual itself. The most difficult part of successfully evoking an astral entity is in the communication between the Black Magician and the demon. In many first-time evocation attempts, this is where the Summoning fails. The initial meditations generate and imbue the area with enough energy for the feat, the conjuration is recited, and the demon answers by presenting himself before the Sorcerer. Once he is there, however, his presence will either go completely unnoticed by the Evocator, who does not know what a demon’s presence feels like nor possesses the faculties to look beneath the layers of illusion to see what is truly there; or the Evocator does feel the demon coming into manifestation, but lacks the knowledge or ability to bring it fully into being. The demon then lingers in the nearby astral plane waiting, and eventually returns to the place of Darkness from whence it came.

The Dabbler described above has one goal in mind: the evocation of the demon. While it is true that the demon needs to be evoked, such is only a means to an end. The first goal of evocation is to hold communication with the demon, such communication being the means by which information can be gathered, desires be laid out, methods be exacted, and changes be made. The second goal should be the final achievement of the will of the Sorcerer. With both of these requisites firmly in place, every evocation is guaranteed to be successful. Without them, the Dabbler is trying to achieve nothing, and he will succeed.

Taking into account your personal clairvoyant abilities as you have been able to consciously access them, decide by what means or through which type of medium communication with the demon should be held. If you have become the Initiate of the Art of scrying, having mastered the all of the exercises given in the eighth chapter of this book, you should need no medium whatsoever, but simply should be able to shut out the lights, open your Vision, and begin the evocation. It is rare, however, for the Practitioner to wait patiently until he has perfected his Art before attempting evocation and diverse other rituals. Such is the driving spirit of the Black Magician: he wants it all, and he must have it now. Rather than dissuading this line of thinking, it is to be encouraged. Patience is a virtue in hunting and chess, but persistence is usually the key that opens the door.

If you are able to scry with any usable efficiency, the demon will need to be evoked in a manner that will facilitate this type of communication. In most disciplines, the rituals of evocation vary slightly for the summoning of a demon when scrying than when you will be able to interact with the demon directly. Unfortunately, the demon manifests in lesser power and solidity when different methods are used. The evocation itself does not need to change when the only real alteration is how communication is held. The demon can be summoned into full manifestation on the physical plane even if the Sorcerer needs the use of devices to see, hear, and speak with it. This will guarantee that the full power and presence of the demon is focused on the Black Magician and on his goal, will give no room for doubt as to whether the demon was actually “here,” and will pave the way with each evocation to the fulfillment of the Sorcerer’s abilities.”

– E. A. Koetting, Calling Upon Hell

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