Magic Bark Book (Pustaha)
At the Museum So, last Monday, Derrick, Yi Liang and I decided to brave the thunderstorm and head to the...
At the Museum So, last Monday, Derrick, Yi Liang and I decided to brave the thunderstorm and head to the...
“The major LURE of Magik is the promise of POWER; and the escape from subordination, ineffectuality, a lack of complete...
… thou mayest call upon ISHTAR to protect thee from the spells of sorcery. And for this, the MANDAL must...
2.01. Sorcery is a spiritual science that encompasses the whole human being. 2.02. It involves knowing your own nature and...
“The patterns of your behavior reveal my methods.” – The Devil’s Mischief
“In Hindu folklore, the vetala is an evil spirit who haunts cemeteries and takes demonic possession of corpses. They make...
“Within religious circles the word “demonic” is generally used to describe something either actual or fictional. In the conservative/fundamentalist world...
Thy Flesh Consumed (2013) by Brandon Geurt “What, in substance, both the Esquimaux wizards and the Louisiana swamp-priests had chanted...
Chapter 1 1: The Revelation of the nameless one, which the Rebel Angel gave unto him, to shew unto his...
“So much for theory. How is this alchemy accomplished? The key word is integration – dissolving the mind-body, spirit-matter fragmentation....