Video: Are you a Dakini or Heruka? Wisdom and Compassion Practices in Vajrayana Buddhism – Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness, Meditation
What is the Wisdom Dakini or Daka in Buddhism? Which one are you? A Daka or a Dakini? Why is...
What is the Wisdom Dakini or Daka in Buddhism? Which one are you? A Daka or a Dakini? Why is...
Many devotees of the great Lotus Born Buddha chant the supplication for the fulfillment of wishes. So many people chant...
Buddha Weekly Mantra Music in Sanskrit The Buddha Weekly "Band" are volunteer vocalists, writers, musicians and studio team committed to...
Padma (Lotus) Family Heruka and Dakini, Hayagriva and Vajravarahi. Herukas or Daka’s represent Compassionate Method Activities and Dakinis represent Wisdom...
Buddha Weekly Mantra Music in Sanskrit The Buddha Weekly "Band" are volunteer vocalists, writers, musicians and studio team committed to...
9 Padma Deities Wangdu video recitation thumbnail A lovely under-7-minute recitation in English of the great Wangdu, the Great Cloud...
Three of the Five Wisdom Daknis, art by Laura Santi. (See detailed art below for each of the Five Dakinis...
Buddha Weekly is a Non Profit Association of volunteers since 2007, committed to the Buddhist mission of "Spread the Dharma"...
9-Minute Daily Practice – Amoghasiddhi Buddha, with Chanted Mantras. Especially powerful on the 8th Lunar Day of each month, called...
Here follows the Path to Happiness and Peace, a Practice of Medicine Buddha, Guru King of Healing, by the great...