Hour of Slack #1372 — July 3 Live Show (Pt. 2) & Ask Dr. Hal from 15X-Day at Wisteria

Hour of Slack #1372 -- July 3 Live Show (Pt. 2) & Ask Dr. Hal from 15X-Day at Wisteria

We are still breaking down recordings from 15 X-Day Drill — hours and hours of bands, Bobtisms, sermonizing, effigy-burning,etc. This is part two of the first (2-hour) “Live Hour of Slack” recorded at X-Day, before an audience at the Caffeina’s café in Wisteria campground — right after the whole southern half of the state was hit with freak high winds and heat that knocked out the power almost everywhere BUT Wisteria. In fact, about 20 minutes into this show you hear lightning hit maybe 100 yards from where we were gathered. At this July 3 show, the main ranters were Papa Joe Mama, Dr. G Gordon Gordon, Dr. Hal Robins, and yours truly, Rev. Ivan Stang, with help from Priestess Pisces.

NOTE: Facebook shut down our original Slack Hole page because photos of penii had appeared on it (the breasts — mostly from X-Day photos — didn’t seem to bother any people or robots). So it has been replaced, and in many ways improved (thanks to Rev. Pockets!)

NEW All-Purpose SLACK HOLE 2.0 SubGenius Facebook page

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