Hour of Slack #1374 — The Day Before the World Ended

Hour of Slack #1374 -- The Day Before the World Ended

Most of this was actually recorded several days before the world ended, at WCSB Cleveland’s Radio Synaesthesia of July 1; the rest was recorded at Wisteria campground on July 4 or else is “new.” (Or old Puzzling Evidence with Dr. Philo Drummond.) The new includes the return of the REAL P.R. Gnus by LeMur and a Psycho Skeletons tune, as well as background music by DJ 2Beans. The “live at X-Day” includes two great gospel songs by The Mutant Mountain Boys and a Rev. Angry Larry/Priestess Pisces song-jam, “The Price of Slack.” The long stretches of Synesthesia feature Dr. Hal, host Dr. Sinister, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, caller Dr. Zirroneous, Princess Wei ‘R.’ Doe, and Rev. Ivan Stang. All manner of non-SubGeniusly subjects are discussed, such as the real-life Woman with Two Vaginas as well as the notorious Candiru fish.

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