With this X-Rated Internet-Only episode, which shan’t be broadcast on any of our beloved actual radio stations, we finish up the recordings from 15X-Day. Philo Drummond’s “Boys Will Be Boys” is the centerpiece, surrounded by songs and anecdotes about Dr. Drummond and his ‘Frop. Some music with unsavory lyrics by the X-Day ever-changing jam band (and ECC) spices the show, along with sideshow marvel St. Andrew the Impaled’s self-and-others-mutilation patter, and a sick song by Dead Body Sects. We open however with two classic performances from Bro. Cleve “Donut” Dunkan from the 1985 SubG album “Bad Doktors,” including The Brag of the SubGenius and SubGenius Alphabet. Thanks also to LeMur, S. Sarcastro and Ministry of Slack for collages.
Hour of Slack #1400.5 XXX – Internet-Only Triple-X Special