Hour of Slack #1595 – Generic SubGenius Pledge Drive Show

Hour of Slack #1595 - Generic SubGenius Pledge Drive Show

This is Rev. Stang on November 10, “2016,” and I feel like I’ve been being groped by an evil fat man for 2 days straight. I’ll get over the trauma easier than most people but we don’t feel real FUNNY quite yet. Don’t worry, the sick jokes are already starting to flow again. This happened to be pledge drive week at WCSB in Cleveland, and yet the studio phone was disabled, so for now it’s time for the GENERIC PLEDGE DRIVE CD. It’s actually a pretty good collage of old rants, with a cast of dozens, spanning 35 years of pledge drives, but whenever it says to call the station, instead, go to and push the DONATE button. Or, do the RIGHT thing and buy the $35 Membership kit, become a proper legal SubGenius minister finally, and get into the secret GOOD part of the Internet. Both links are right at the top of and you even get to see our classic TV commercial FOR FREE!

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