Starts with a classic audio collage and fabulous rant by Rev. Susie the Floozie from “Bob’s” Slack Time Funhouse in the distant past, and it is GREAT! Philosophical recording of Prof. Chas Smith on his show ESO, awaiting X-Day. Stang and Chas to Bleepo on rerun plans for the decimated planet. NHGH will return the tapes he took when we forgot to push “record”. Stang’s old “EotW” pop song collage. REM, Quicksilver, Mojo Nixon, Sublime, Hendrix, GWAR, etc. TITLES – Hal and Stang start in, talking about X-Day and their personal Escape Planets. We can bring back to life all extinct creatures and plants. You can have your own unicorn… albeit not as you expected. Billy-Unicorns and virgins. Elasmotherium. Lancelot the Unicorn – Morning Glory and Oberon, Stang’s old buddies. Oberon has similar job description to Stang – Church of All Worlds. The Water-Sharing ceremony at Brushwood. At Starwood Stang hangs out out with rival cult leaders he once made fun of. Wiccan history. Much of pop culture came from the 1920s. Hal on recording his new songs. Burning of Ikon tonight by Cosmac and Faux. Emergentiles – drew up plans! Science is illegal! All-Science High. We could make smoke bombs here. Wasp attractant. Stang loves bugs and he lets them fly around his face and camera. Stang’s Arkansas tick. Pete Goldie and bedbugs. Emboldened by the Trump administration. Grab ya by the *PUSSY*. Part of American discourse — CoSG prepped us for world where political discourse is now internet flame wars. The contingent that suggests we’re condoning sexism and etc. – bears somehow now symbolize all political male evil. New headphone for third bun – “Bob” can do Number Three. Teeters LaVerge. “I’VE GOT A TUB OF PILLS FOR DR. LEGUME!” Stents in all the old SubGs. Esquivel background music. Brother Cleve Dunkan co-composed music with Esquivel on his deathbed. Stang saw Esquivel’s old tapes. Rev. Bleepo is working with The Firesign Theatre. Ray Harryhausen and “Bob.” Stang’s Invicta dinosaur series toys – Hayward and Harryhausen – fall-out between Harryhausen and Hayward. Ray And Diana Harryhausen almost bought Aleister Crowley’s house but freaked out. But into UFOs. Predestination and Harryhausen, Sufis. Spray me with some Quantum Foam. We need an escape clause. This isn’t the only universe. The SubG rockathon, the frug, and the frog! Stang’s problem with time travel and planetary movement through space. “How do you think I got here, Past-Man?” “The Sacrifice Game” is the title Stang couldn’t remember of a book about time-travel through consciousness transfer. ABRUPT END!