Sex Demons of the Night

Hand-drawn vector illustration with all seeing eye of God on an open palm. Human hand with eye of Providence in the triangle, esoteric symbols, magic runes, alchemical signs and the words Trust no one


“Incubus: An evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep; especially one that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping.

Succubus: A demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep.

These are just basic, secular definitions of these two spirits which are also commonly referred to as “sex demons” or “night demons”. These demons are primarily spirits of sexual perversion. Whenever we are talking about demons, always remember not to put too much merit into the common names that they are called by. Spirits go by many names; even God and satan are identified by numerous names and titles in the Bible. Night demons are no more than spirits of lust. They are a powerful, high-ranking class of demons.

You will know that you are being attacked by demons if the sexual urges are so strong that they completely take over your mind. This can happen at any time but tend to be most common when you are lying down. You cannot think about anything else and it seems like nothing you do to make the urges go away work (i.e. a cold shower, involving yourself in another activity, shifting positions, etc.). It would seem that the only relief for the urge is to have an orgasm by any means necessary. Sometimes you will have the orgasm spontaneously and they are usually stronger than usual. If you have these types of urges THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. Now please understand that I am not saying that every powerful sexual urge in the body is due to a demonic manifestation. Strong sexual urges can be purely hormonal; or just good old-fashioned arousal at the thought of enjoying intercourse with your lover. When sexual urges come on suddenly without warning; at times that seem inappropriate; or without any external stimuli; and you simply cannot control them without having an intense battle, that is when you know they are demonic.

[Among the sins these sex demons inspire includes:]

Carnality – Spending too much time doing non-spiritual activities — even if those activities are not sinful. Any activity that does not purposefully and deliberately build and edify your spirit in the things of God is carnal activity. Remember, we are vulnerable in our minds during the night hours or times of fatigue. That is when we must totally rely on the strength of our spirit man to keep us from evil. If we don’t build our spirit man up then it will not be strong enough to yield to the Holy Spirit and access His empowerment.

Witchcraft – The Bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft. Rebellion is another word for Disobedience, so in all simplicity witchcraft is to go against God’s way to do it your own way. There are many manifestations of witchcraft that are overlooked such as – astrology, superstitions, chain letters, etc… An especially common but overlooked form of witchcraft is manipulation; manipulating our children and spouses and others that are close to us is so common and it leaves the door open for night demons to attack!” –  Insights From Dr. Intimacy

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