The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2012 Report

The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2012 Report


The Commission on Information for Recognition

2012 Report

The Grand Lodge of Albania was consecrated on October 14, 2011 in Tirana by the Grand Orient of Italy. It is composed of three lodges previously warranted by the Grand Orient of Italy. It has adopted the Ritual and Book of Constitution of the Grand Orient, the Principles for Grand Lodges Recognition accepted by the United Grand Lodge of England, as well as the “Aims and Relationships of the Craft” of the UGLE. The Commission is of the opinion that the Grand Lodge of Albania meets the standards for recognition.

It was reported last year that the two groups representing the Grand Lodge of Baja California had worked out an accord that would have unified them again into one regular Grand Lodge. The leaders of the two groups signed the agreement, termed the Denver Accord, and were confident it would be ratified by both groups. This did not happen; therefore the Grand Lodge of Baja California remains two separate organizations, and neither satisfies the standards for recognition.

There continues to be no progress in the unification of Freemasonry in Bulgaria. The Commission received submissions from both Grand Lodges, but there appears to be no interest on the part of the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria in entering discussions with the Grand Lodge AF&& of Bulgaria, either for unification or for establishing a treaty to share the jurisdiction. Both of these Grand Lodges appear to practice regular Masonry, and both were of the same origin until they split in 2001. This Commission has urged the two Grand Lodges to resolve their differences for the past eight years to no avail; therefore this issue will not be addressed again until the brethren in Bulgaria reach some type of agreement that will meet the standards for recognition.

The difficult situation involving the GLNF was reviewed in great detail from data presented to the Commission, as well as statements from parties explaining both sides of the issues. It was reported that some 28 regular Grand Lodges, including six in the United States and one in Canada, have now suspended fraternal relations with the GLNF. Although the GLNF is still considered to be regular, there is a question of them meeting the standards for recognition. After much consideration, the Commission is of the opinion a reasonable course of action to consider is to suspend fraternal relations with the GLNF until such time a resolution to their crisis is achieved. New elections are scheduled in the near future, and it is hoped that a solution will be forthcoming.

The agreement of unification of the two Grand Lodges that was reached in 2010, has been broken, and the situation has reverted back to two Grand Lodges claiming to be the legitimate source of Freemasonry in that country. There is also evidence that negotiations for unification have ceased. This being the case, the Commission is of the opinion that neither Grand Lodge now meets the standards for recognition.

The Grand Lodge of Tahiti was constituted on December 21, 2011 from three lodges previously chartered by the Grande Loge Nationale Francaise. Data was presented that indicates this new Grand Lodge practices regular Masonry and is a sovereign territory. The Commission is of the opinion that the Grand Lodge of Tahiti meets the standards for recognition.

Several last minute submissions to the Commission this year have resulted in unnecessary difficulty in getting the material to Commission members, leaving insufficient time to adequately study and research the subjects to be considered. In the future, any submissions to the Commission must be received by December 1st in order to be considered at the annual meeting the following February.


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