VIDEO: Vajrapani’s Vajra Armor and Daily Sadhana for Protection and Power – Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness, Meditation

VIDEO: Vajrapani's Vajra Armor and Daily Sadhana for Protection and Power - Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness, Meditation

vajrapani 9 minute daily practic

Vajrapani’s Vajra Armor and Daily Sadhana practice is famous for protection, not only from obstructions and danger, but from 404 types of disease and all other types of harm. Vajrapani is literally the “hand of the Buddha” — the power of Buddha’s Enlightened Wisdom manifested as activity for our benefit.

In this 9-Minute practice, meant for daily or weekly recitation, we invite Vajrapani’s unmatched power and energy into our lives, bringing protection with the sacred sounds of the Sanskrit Mantra.


Here, combined with Refuge in the Three Jewels, the 7 Limbs of practice with offerings, the Vajra Armor itself, and Vajrapani’s powerful heart mantra, we bring Buddha’s own powerful protection into our Dharma Lives.

RECITATION (9 minutes with mantras):

I go for refuge until I am enlightened To the Buddha, the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly By my practice of giving and the other perfections, May I become a Buddha to benefit all sentient beings.

In front of me, arises glorious dark blue Vajrapani, the power of all the Buddhas, very ferocious, holding a vajra and lasso in his hands.

With his holy feet spread widely on a lotus and sun disc, he stands amidst a blazing transcendental wisdom fire. Now we accumulate merit with the 7 limbs of practice.

 I Prostrate and Take Refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, and to Vajrapani, until I attain Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.

I offer real and imagined flowers, incense, butter lamps, scent, food, music, and so forth. Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, please accept them.

I confess all my faults from beginningless time until now, committed with a mind under the sway of the afflictions, such as the ten nonvirtues.

I rejoice in whatever merit has been accumulated in the three times by Hearers, Solitary Realizers, Bodhisattvas, ordinary beings, and others.

Please turn the wheel of the Dharma according to the intentions and mental dispositions of sentient beings.

Until Samsara is emptied, please do not pass into Nirvana but look with compassion upon sentient beings that are drowning in the ocean of suffering.

May whatever merit I have accumulated become the cause of Enlightenment for the benefit of sentient beings.

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May they not be separated from the sublime happiness that is free from suffering. May they rest in the great equanimity that is free of the duality of attachment and aversion.

Thus we gather the accumulations through prostrating, offering, confessing, and generating the two types of bodhichitta of the preliminaries.

Now I accumulate wisdom, compassion and activity with the Vajra Armor mantra, visualizing the five colors of lights emanating from Vajrapani’s five chakras: white from the forehead; red from the throat; blue from the heart; yellow from the navel; and green from four finger widths below the navel. The light enters my own forehead, throat, heart, navel and lower chakra, blessing and protecting me.

Hum vajra phat. Om padma shvavari phat. Nan par shik. Na ga nan. Tayatha, sarva virita hana hana vajrena raksha raksha svaha.

Om Vajrapani Hum (as many times as possible)

By the power of praising and supplicating you, wherever I and others reside may illness, obstructive spirits, poverty, and fighting be pacified, and may the Dharma and auspiciousness flourish.

Vajrapani, Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and the Sangha, please heed me. From the great, beginningless Samsara, I and all beings have performed the virtue of cultivating generosity and ethical discipline and have rejoiced in the expression of these deeds. By the virtue practiced thus, with the mind of holy generosity, and for the sake of our parents, teachers, masters, and all sentient beings, may we achieve Buddhahood. By the merit arisen from this virtue, may we acquire all the perfections such as life, merit, enjoyment, a retinue, and virtuous practice, and may all obstacles be pacified without exception.

May I attain Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.

We dedicate the merit of this presentation to the benefit of all sentient beings.

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