Vyākaraṇaparivarta vyākaraṇa – “prophecy” or “prediction” chapter 6 of the Lotus Sutra

尔时世尊复告诸比丘众:‘我今语汝,是大迦旃延,于当来世,以 诸供具、供养奉事八千亿佛,恭敬、尊重。
At that time, the World Honored One further addressed the assembly of Bhikshus saying, “I will now tell you: In a future age, Mahakatyayana will make offerings of various articles to, and will reverently serve eight thousand million Buddhas, honoring and venerating them.

诸佛灭后,各起塔庙,高千由旬,纵广正等五百由旬,皆以金、银 、琉璃、砗磲、玛瑙、真珠、玫瑰、七宝合成,众华、璎珞、涂香 、末香、烧香、缯盖、幢幡,供养塔庙。过是已后,当复供养二万 亿佛,亦复如是。’

After the extinction of those Buddhas, he will erect a stupa for each, one thousand yojanas in height, five hundred yojanas in breath, and made of the seven jewels: gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother of pearl, carnelian, pearls, and agate. He will make offerings of many flowers, beaded necklaces, paste incense, powdered incense, burning incense, silk canopies and banners to the stupa. After that, he will further make offerings to twenty thousand million Buddhas in the same manner. ‘供


Having made offerings to those Buddhas, he will perfect the Bodhisattva Way.

当得作佛,号曰阎浮那提金光如来、应供、正遍知、明行足、善逝 世间解、无上士、调御丈夫、天人师、佛、世尊。
He will then become a Buddha called Jambunada Gold Light Thus Come One, One Worthy of Offerings, of Proper and Universal Knowledge, One Whose Understanding and Conduct are Complete, a Well-Gone One Who Understands the World, Unsurpassed Lord, a Taming and Regulating Hero, Teacher of Gods and Humans, Buddha, World Honored One.

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