This week we salute Rev. Susie the Floozie’s ONE THOUSAND-TH EPISODE OF “BOB’S” SLACKTIME FUNHOUSE on WREK Atlanta by playing it whole. This is probably the GREATEST Hour of Slack ever, and it’s really a “Bob’s” Slacktime Funhouse! The general subject is The Conspiracy, but it is like “SubGenius 101” and the Church in History, compressed into one hour of Killer Kollages a la The Flooze, perfect musical interludes, and some truly incredible rants — especially Susie’s sermon on how she became her own Frankenstein! You’ll die when you hear “Or Kill Me,” and you’ll live again when you ARISE!-surf. Starring EVERYBODY, even the mysterious “Heinous Anus!”
Help support “BOB’S” SLACK TIME FUNHOUSE. Donate here, or live in the shame of being a stingy stinkypink moocher: