We recorded two Hours of Slack (or something like Hours of Slack) every day during the 17X-Day Drill, all with Stang and Dr. Hal, this particular first one also with special guest Priestess Pisces. By the strangest chance, the first hour of recording required ZERO cuts and came to One Hour Exactly. And, it’s RELENTLESS! Subjects touched upon: Mole stampede mystery. The superstars at X-Day. The sad case of the Facebook Bob Dobbses. Pisces’ Mean Meme. The Church: “Teaching the Unteachable What No One Wants to Know.” Monster movie girls and puberty. “STAY OFF THE STRAW.” Donkey island. All SubGeniuses are differently fucked up. Sallack vs. Sakkak. Stang the Sacred Nutless Chimp. I lost my virginity at Dr. Dark’s Drive-In. Earwigs diapers. Strange sounds, footprints in the woods. Stang’s new poem about the gorilla. (Uncensored on the Internet version)