It sounds just like a regular WCSB Hour of Slack, but it’s not one! The live part where Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in was the first episode recorded in our newly upgraded Tarzan’s Radio Station, now located in the living room at Stang Ranch, in extremely rural Stang County, Texas. The setting is different, being festooned with mounted large dead mammal heads instead of punk band bumper stickers, but we still recorded it on Sunday at 9 p.m. EST just like always (8 p.m. in Texas), and we allowed no re-takes, thus making it like a real radio broadcast — which it will be soon our beloved stations. The first half has the classic song “High on Dokstok Mountain” by The Swingin’ Love Corpses and other music by Rev. Jimmy Ryan, Psycho Skeletons and Rev. Experimental, Please, but most is from 19X-Day with some great live radio spouting by Dr. Hal, Rev. Baby Bear, and Rev. Argus Faux (Stang being otherwise occupied, as you’ll hear) and some Thorazine Urine Podcrust music-ranting-commercials by a cast of thousands but with Revs. Anna Maul, Faux and Shoggoth being the loudest.