Kalachakra mantra and practice are recommended by great Buddhist teachers such as the Dalai Lama in these difficult times. Chant along with Hrishikesh Sonar, the mantra of Kalachakra presented with beautiful meditative images. (Ad-free version in high definition for Supporting Members.)
To chant along, the mantra:
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa mala varaya hūṃ phaṭ
0:00-03:55 Introduction and symbolism of the Kalachakra 10-Fold Power Symbol
03:56-27:46 Mantra Chanting 108 Times beautifully by Hrishikesh Sonar
The Kalachakra mantra, called the tenfold powerful one — and symbolized in the famous Kalachakra tenfold power symbol — collects all the qualities of Kalachakra and all the Buddhas into one chant. In mantra practice, the seed syllable sounds carry many layers of profound meaning and power. Among the most profound is Kalachakra’s sacred syllables.All of these syllables are combined into one magnificent symbol, the Kalachkra Tenfold Powerful One. They are overlaid together into one symbol, but still separated by the symbolic colors.
The Om Ah Hum and Hoh, which stand for the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas are represented by three crowning symbols: the nada, disc and cresent.In this mantra, Om which is the white disc in the symbol at the top, stands for the body of all the Buddhas. Ah, which is red is symbolized by the crescent moon and stands for the Speech of all the Buddhas. Hum, which is the Blue nada or squiggle at the very top, stands for the Mind of all the Buddhas which also contains the essence of Hoh representing the wisdom of all the Buddhas.
Ham which is the large blue syllable in the symbol, stand for the enlightened body, speech and mind of Kalachakra. KShah which is the syllable of Vishvamata, the consort of Kalachakra is green and stands for the wisdom of Kalachakra and the wisdom activity of the mandala. Ma, which is red is the mandala palace. La, which is yellow, stands for the element of earth. Wa, which is white stands for the element of water. Ra, which is red is for the element of fire. Ya, which is black is the element of air. The complete mantra contains all of the aspects and elements of Kalachakra, who himself embodies all of the Buddhas.
Chant along now, with Hrishikesh Sonar, the powerful mantra of Kalachakra Sahaja.
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ho haṃ kṣa mala varaya hūṃ phaṭ