In session 1 of Mahamudra retreat — a full weekend of teachings — Venerable Zasep Rinpoche introduces Mahamudra and guides a wonderful session that includes a guided session on Samatha Mindfulness — Calm Abiding Meditation. In session 2, Ven. Zasep Rinpoche teaches us how to rest our minds in the natural state — the state of luminescent clarity, or clear light.
EVENT Alert Mahamudra Weekend Retreat via Zoom May 28-29
Mahamudra In-Depth Weekend Retreat with Venerable Zasep Rinpoche, author of Gelug Mahamudra, Eloquent Speech of Manjushri. This is a Zoom retreat. Any one serious about meditation, and seeking a truly deep experience with Buddhism, is welcome to attend — bearing in mind the first teachings and meditation begin at 6:30am Eastern Time. With breaks, you’ll be meditating on the nature of mind for an entire weekend! For information or to register, visit Eventbrite>>
This is the first of several sessions from a teaching and meditation retreat on advanced Mahamudra, taught by Zasep Rinpoche, the author of Gelug Mahamudra: Enlightened Speech of Manjushri.
In session one, Rinpoche introduces Mahamudra, then speaks about the nature of the mind and its obstructions. He then gives detailed, and often humorous instructions on “resting the mind in the natural state.” After detailed instructions, he invites us to meditate. The teachings are continued in Session 2.
Teachings were at the end of 2018 at Gaden Choling in Toronto. Venerable Zasep Rinpoche is the spiritual director of several meditations centers in Canada, Australia, and the USA, and teaches around the world.
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