By popular demand, a shorter version of our Black Tara Mantra 27 times, music and chanting only with visualized images. Her mantra is among the most powerful of protections (hard subbed for convenient chanting:
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture sarva vidyā avarṇā ye bhye phaṭ svahā
ओं तारे तुत्तारे तुरे सर्व विद्या अवर्णा ये भ्ये फट स्वहा ॥
Chant it any time you feel threatened, nervous, ill-at-ease, or in need of the nurturing protection of a wrathful mother. Black Tara is still Mother Tara — just hulked up with power so that she can always protect you.Tara, the Mother of all the Buddhas, emanates in countless forms to help sentient beings.
In her most wrathful black form, the 7th of the 21 Taras, she overcomes every evil, every enemy, obstacle, negativity — and even curses or evil forces. All Taras protect. As Black Tara, in her most wrathful form, she tramples and burns them completely so they can never harm us. FOR MORE INFORMATION, see our short introduction in the longer mantra video (108 times).
MUSIC RELEASE: On your favorite music streaming platform and Youtube Music in our release BUDDHA WEEKLY MANTRA COLLECTION 2. #BuddhaWeeklyMantras #MantraCollection2 For protection or just as a devotional practice, chant her mantra in Sanskrit, the powerful mother language. Empowerment is not required to chant any mantra of Enlightened Mother Tara.
Artists or galleries featured (art links below): Lasha Mutual (the cover art for this video) V.V. Sapar Niels Petersen (wrathful four-armed according to Surya Gupta) Angeli Lhadripa Shkonda (from her stunning 21 Taras painting) Tangka Nepal on Etsy (Newari-style)